Searching for your Truths

Searching for your Truths

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Introducing our Epoch, The Age of Aquarius

As the earth, with all of its inhabitants, rotates around the Sun, it progressively passes through each the 12 Signs of the Ecliptic, or Zodiac. This is the Procession of the Zodiac. However, the different speeds of the earth -- its day/night cycle, its seasonal shifts, as reflected in the Solstices and Equinoxes, and its rotation around the Sun -- results in the wobble of the earth on its axis, not unlike a gyroscope. And so, from a given point on the earth, North will change, with different constellations moving into that position. This wobble is the opposite direction of the annual cycle from Jan (Aquarius) to Dec (Capricorn) and is called the Precession of the Zodiac.  The cycle of this Precession of the Zodiac takes about 25,000 years. Dividing this into the 12, for the 12 signs, we have depicted here the ages of humankind, each lasting a little over 2000 years, reaching its culmination in the present age, the Age of Aquarius. There is gradual transition to and from each sign, which lasts about 400 years. Thus, at the present time in human history, we are living the period of transition between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
The Age of Pisces is the age of Christianity, which began slightly before the birth of Jesus. The Age of Pisces was preceded the Age of Aries, (from about 2500 BC to 300 BC) which was the age of the ancient empires; Moses was thought to have initiated that age. The Age of Aries was preceded by the Age of Taurus (4700 BC to about 2500 BC), which is the age of the discovery of agriculture, and also that of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Earlier Ages go back into human pre-history (?) or myth (?) to the legends of Atlantis, and even earlier to Mu, another lost continent. (We’ve used dates from, and also referred to The Ancient Wisdom of Atlantis by Murry (sic) Hope, 1991.)

Entering the Age of Aquarius
The old Age of Pisces is passing away, before our eyes. The Age of Aquarius beckons. It is the age of freedom, the breakdown of the old divisions along lines of nation and class, and the prevalence of technology and the Web, with its sharing of information. Yet, we suffer in this period of the transition to the new Age. Our quality of life and sense of values is falling away, along with our infrastructure and physical structures. A lot of noble words come from Washington. But only the wealthy thrive, while the poor are ignored and the Middle Class is falling quickly. It feels like the Collective Fall of Rome for America and the Western world. Washington needs to be changed.
If we want freedom and fairness and democratic values, we have to demand it. Both Democrats and Republicans are affected by bad Washington policy. It’s time for Americans to wake up and take back the power. It’s in front of our eyes and lives.
In this time of accelerated time of change can the nation change its way? President Obama said, “Yes, we can.” But his attempt to effect change from the top down has failed. We need new views of ourselves and the world.
We need independent thinking, and we need to direct our collective anger against corporate-owned America, which is destroying our democracy.
The “Turning of the Ages “ is now. We have Planetary Aspects to help us, and test us, to be better human beings.
It’s the Revolution of the Mind.
Awake, Humanity Now. Together, we can save our plant Earth and humanity. Take action.
Speak out, and realize the truth through common collective action. Let us renew our American Ideals. This represents the best in us all.
If we want change, we must Go Regional – Go Local with your energies of community and friendship. We are in a global earth change of transformation.  The magic is here, call on it, and be with it in community, wherever you live.

The Spirit of Peace

The spiritual gift of the New Age of Aquarius is the Spirit of Peace. Peace transcends religious and political differences and conflicts.
The Spirit of Peace neutralizes and resolves conflicts
The Spirit of Peace is a soul gift that makes us mellow, happy and present,
Call on her, Sophia, men and women alike, for help and guidance in this new Age, into which we're enter.
Love and Peace,

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