A major earthquake erupted under the Indian Ocean, off the Western coast of Indonesia on 12/26/04. It registered 9.0, which is the fifth largest this century, and was the most powerful earthquake since the one in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1964. So far, about 150,000 people, in a dozen countries, have been killed by huge tidal waves or tsunami that were generated by the earthquake. There were significant astrological events associated with these events.
What I will do here, is present the basic building blocks of astrology. I'll apply this knowledge to these cataclysmic earth changes, so you'll get a sense of how to look at things astrologically.
How does Astrology Work?
The proof of astrology is based on observation over millennia. Vibrational, or physical energy from the cosmos, hits the earth all the time. Energy from the sun affects communications on earth. Energy from the moon affects the tides, and full moons have long been associated with intensification of activity on earth, as by animals, and also by increase in crimes.
The stars and constellations, much further away, may influence us in more subtle ways. One needn't know the precise mechanism in order to reap the benefits of astrological wisdom. Similarly, one needn't know exactly how a car runs, in order to drive, or the physics of water in order to make a cup of tea. In the same way, we could simply say that the correspondences between movements of objects in the heavens and events and objects on Earth have long been observed and verified through objective analysis and in practice.
The Planets
In astrology, the earth is viewed as the center of the cosmos, with the Sun, Moon and the planets revolving around the earth. (The Sun and Moon are often grouped with the "other" plants in astrological parlance, since all these bodies influence events on earth.) They move in an imaginary circle (ellipsis) or rotation through the 12 signs of the Zodiac.
Moon - the emotions, one's feeling nature.
Mercury - the thinking mind, reason, also associated with Hermes the trickster.
Mars - is the Roman god of War, adapted from the Greek god of war, Aries. Mars represents concentrated physical energy, and provides our physical motivation.
Saturn - is the judge, associated with limitation, and the imparting of karmic lessons -- as you reap, so do you sow.
Uranus - is the planet of the Unexpected, often associated with the Tarot card of the Thunder bolt hitting the Tower. Uranus is associated with genius, and a person's uniqueness.
Neptune - is associated with absorption, spaciness or intoxication. Nepture is identified with spiritual inspiration, devotion and deception, addiction, delusion. It represents that which is nebulous, or difficult to grasp.
Pluto - was discovered in 1930. It is the smallest planet and the farthest away from the Sun. It expresses power, leadership, and ambition. It is associated with focused intensity, even obsession. It demands a response, whether that response be from the natural world or a person. Pluto expresses the shadow aspect of something, whether it be a person or a nation. It is the great transformer of darkness into light. Pluto was the Greek god of the Underworld, and represents subterranean elements in nature and the unconscious in human beings.
Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Pluto
rotate through
The 12 Signs of the Zodiac, (which are the months of the year, in the Julian calendar).
(1) Aries (March 21 - April 20)
(2) Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
(3) Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
(4) Cancer (June 21 - July 21)
(5) Leo (July 22 - August 21)
(6) Virgo (August 22 - September 21)
(7) Libra (September 22 - October 21)
(8) Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)
(9) Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
(10) Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
(11) Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)
(12) Pisces (February 20 - March 20)
The Planets and the Signs of the Zodiac
Each planet also "rules" an astrological sign, with which it shares certain affinities. For instance, the planet, Jupiter, associated with wisdom and benevolence, rules the sign, Sagittarius, which is associated with philosophy and travel. Each planet is said to be the most "comfortable" in its home sign, and "rules" the sign. Here are the correspondences between the planet and the sign of the zodiac which it rules.
Moon rules Cancer
Mercury rules Gemini
Venus rules Taurus
Mars rules Aries
Jupiter rules Sagittarius
Saturn rules Capricorn
Uranus rules Aquarius
Neptune rules Pisces
Pluto rules Scorpio
Mercury rules Virgo
Venus rules Libra
All the planets also rotate through the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and thereby impart their qualities to the sign during the period of their presence (called a transit). For instance, if Saturn, the planet which represents limitation and judgment, is passing through (or transitting Sagittarius, described above, then one might experience problems or limitations associated with transit and travel. We'll return to the 12 signs shortly.
The Signs of the Zodiac and the 4 Elements
Each of 12 Signs of the Zodiac has a dominant characteristic which is associated with one of the four elements -- earth, air, fire or water. The astrological signs could be divided into four groups of signs which share this common element, like members of a family.
Fire | Water | Earth | Air | |
Signs | Aries | Pisces | Taurus | Gemini |
of the | Leo | Cancer | Virgo | Libra |
Zodiac | Sagittarius | Scorpio | Capricorn | Aquarius |
This leads us right into a brief discussion of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. Having introduced the planets, and the elements, the astrological signs will be our final building block in this brief introduction to the Basic Building Blocks Of Astrology.
The 12 Signs of The Zodiac
Most of the 12 signs are represented by animals, whose basic characteristics help define that sign and make it easier to remember the sign's characteristics. We are intimately connected with the animal, fish and bird kingdoms -- they figure prominently in classical mythology and also in our own sports activities, as in team names -- rams, bulls, dolphins, sharks, eagles, hornets, etc.
Also important to note is the fact that there is a correspondence between the characteristics of the planet and the sun sign. It is why the particular planet is considered to be the ruler of the sign. There are also esoteric aspects of the signs which were presented by Alice A. Bailey in her work. We'll present these here, and later hope to add a chapter on them.
(1) Aries (March 21 - April 20)
Aries, the first sign in the Zodiac, is the seed of the new. A fire sign, Aries is ruled by Mars. It is associated with movement and independence. Aries, a fire sign, first gets the idea, and than passes it to Taurus, the earth sign, (the next sign of the Zodiac month) of the year, who makes it practical."
The esoteric mantra for Aries is:
"I go forth, and from the plane of the mind, I rule"
(2) Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
This is the sign of Taurus, the bull. The Taurean is grounded in reality, and sees life in a practical way. The Taurean personality is fixed, determined, tenacious and enduring. Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus. The Taurean personality is fixed, and determined, which is emphasized in the fact it is an earth sign. Taurus is associated with the Buddha, due to the Buddha's bull-like endurance in his search for Enlightenment.
The esoteric mantra is: "I see, and when the eye is opened, all is light."
(3) Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
This is the sign of Gemini, the Twins, two twin babies or young people. The personalities of the twins is changeable, emphasized by the fact that this is an air sign. Ruled by Mercury, or Hermes (in Greek mythology) the messenger of the gods, who is pictured with wings on the ankles of his feet, Gemini dispenses energy into the world. Gemini personalities are chatty, changeable, mutable. The sun sign is associated with the world of ideas, and sharing ideas, but not with deep analytic thought (which is associated with Scorpio, the water sign). Gemini is communication, putting the word out in the world.
The esoteric mantra for Gemini is: " I see my other self, and in the waning of that self, I grow and glow."
(4) Cancer (June 21 - July 21)
Cancer is the sign of Cancer the crab, crabs carrying their homes on their backs. Cancer is a water sign that is ruled by the Moon. Cancer is indeed the sign of the home and the hearth. People who have the astrological sign of Cancer in their chart love their homes, hearth, safety and family. Cancer is associated with nurturing and strong feelings, emphasized by the fact that it is a water sign. Cancer personalities can be private, and warm and also like comfort others.
The esoteric mantra for Cancer is "I build a lighted house, and therein I dwell."
(5) Leo (July 22 - August 21)
Leo is the sign of Leo the lion. The Leo is the ego or I, the concentrated essence of each person's personality. Leo is a fire sign that is ruled by the Sun. Leo's can be benevolent and compassionate.
The esoteric mantra for Leo is:
"I am that and that am I." To this we add "I see the light, I become the light, I send it forth" cited in Forces Of The Zodiac by Robert Leichtman and Carl Japikse, 1985
(6) Virgo (August 22 - September 21)
Virgo represents detail, and the analytical mind. Virgo is an earth sign that is ruled by Mercury. Virgo tries to fix things by analyzing the task at hand, as by making lists. Mercury, the planet associated with the analytical mind, rules Virgo.
The esoteric mantra for Virgo is: "I am the mother and the child, I, God, I matter am."
(7) Libra (September 22 - October 21)
Libra is the sign of balance. It is an air sign ruled by Venus. It is represented by a woman holding balancing scales, and who is blindfolded because she objectively distributes fairness and justice in the world. Libras weigh and balance life. They are reflective, favor diplomacy. They are not ascetic, but like pleasure. Many lawyers are Libras. Libra is the pause within the soul that knows the truth. Libra refines the soul. Jimmy Carter is an example of a Libra.
The esoteric mantra for Libra is:
"I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force."
(8) Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)
Scorpio is the sign of the scorpion. It is the most impenetrable and profound sign of the Zodiac. It is a water sign that is ruled by Pluto, god of the Underworld in Greek/Roman mythology. Scorpios are self-absorbed, and while a water sign, they have been described as being almost like oil in terms of their stickiness or impenetrability. Scorpio runs deep, and rules the subconscious. It rules death, and physical and psychological transformation. Scorpio rules sexuality, and the shadow aspect of the person or country. Many therapists are Scorpio.
The esoteric mantra for Scorpio is:
"Warrior am I, and from the battle I emerge triumphant."
(9) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter. It rules philosophy, religion, higher learning, belief in general, sports, and adventures. Sagittarius is the sign of enthusiasm, positive thinking, and gambling. Sag rules goals.
The esoteric mantra for Sagittarius is :
"I see the goal, I reach the goal, and then I see another."
(10) Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn. The Capricorn is patient, practical, and hard working. It is the sign of ambition, and also manipulation. Capricorn rules structure and hierarchy. Capricorns tend to be serious, absolutist, and loners. Nixon and Martin Luther King were both Capricorns.
The esoteric mantra for Capricorn is:
"Lost am I in light supernal, yet, on that light I turn my back."
(11) Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)
Aquarius is an air sign ruled by Uranus. While Cancers favor blood family, the family of Aquarius is the human family. Aquarians follow the calling of higher will, humanity, fairness, justice and peace. They don't orient to status quo or conformity, but toward the revolutionary. It is also the sign of technology and electronics.
The esoteric mantra for Aquarius is:
"Water of Life am I, poured forth for thirsty humanity."
(12) Pisces (February 20 - March 20)
Pisces, the latest of the sign in the solar calendar, is a water sign ruled by Neptune. It is a mystical sign, the sign of the fishes and is associated with Christianity. It rules the mystical and devotional path, It also is associated with deception, vagueness, and also with mind-altering drugs, insofar as one gets "absorbed" in the latter. Pisces also rules movies, art, and glamour and the illusory. It is a sign of compassion, sometimes associated with suffering.
The esoteric mantra for Pisces is:
"I leave my father's home, and turning back, I save."
Linking the Planets, Signs of the Zodiac and the Elements
the 4 elements
the 12 Signs of the Zodiac
the Planet which rules its particular Sign of the Zodiac.
Then, we get the following
Planets, Sun Signs & Element
Fire Water Earth Air Planet Mars rules Aries Nepture rules PiscesVenus rules Taurus Mercury rules Gemini & Sign Sun rules Leo Moon rules CancerMercury rules rules Venus rules Libra Rulership Jupiter rules Sag Pluto rules Scorpio Saturn rules Capricorn Uranus rules AquariusA person's astrology chart, or the chart of a nation, a geographical region, or an event, simply consists of graphic representations of the planets that are placed in the appropriate sign of the Zodiac. The planets are arranged or charted in a circle in the 12 signs of the Zodiac. If one adds to this picture the exact time of an event or birth, one could add Houses.The 12 HousesThe 12 Houses represent a kind of microscopic focusing of the energy of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac - the stars and planets-- on the Earth. A basic astrology chart could be constucted in which astrological events unfold three dimensionally, in height, width and breath, or above, below and in space and time. as this energy is broken up into the 12 houses. Thus, if one is able to include a time of birth, which includes the time of a particular event, as the incorporation of a business, of founding of a nation, or the time a disaster occurs, the 12 houses could be included in the astrology chart. In the astrology chart, the planets are plotted as objects on the perimeter of a circle. The pie-like pieces are divided into the 12 Signs of the Zodiac, which are overlayed with the 12 Houses. For example, the 1st sign of Aries corresponds to the first House of one's physical appearance, and the 2nd sign of Taurus corresponds to the 2nd House of money. I just want to give you a general sense here of the connection between the 12 Signs of the Zodiac (called Sun Signs) and the 12 Houses.
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